At Future Smiles Denture Clinic in Calgary, we understand that choosing the right dentures and maintaining them can be a confusing process. Whether you're considering complete dentures, partial dentures, or even implant-supported dentures,. . .
Losing teeth can affect more than just your appearance; it can impact your confidence and ability to speak, chew, and smile. Fortunately, Future Smiles Denture Clinic in Calgary offers a wide range of denture services designed to restore the health,. . .
At Future Smiles in Calgary, we know that dental treatments, including dentures, can be a significant investment of both time and money. For many patients, understanding the payment process and dealing with insurance paperwork can be overwhelming,. . .
At Future Smiles Denture Clinic in Calgary, we understand that missing teeth can affect more than just your smile—they can impact your confidence, eating habits, and overall quality of life. If you’ve been considering dentures but are worried. . .
At Future Smiles Denture Clinic in NE Calgary, we know that selecting the right denturist is an important decision for your dental health and well-being. Whether you’re looking for new dentures, need adjustments, or are seeking a professional to. . .
Losing your natural teeth can be a daunting experience, but modern dentures offer a fantastic solution that can restore your smile and improve your overall well-being. Whether you're considering dentures for the first time or are looking to. . .
Adjusting to life with new dentures can be a journey filled with mixed emotions—from excitement about regaining a confident smile to apprehension about the changes in daily habits. As first-time denture wearers, individuals might find themselves. . .
For many, the journey towards selecting dentures can be filled with apprehension and uncertainty. Concerns about the artificial appearance of dentures often lead individuals to seek alternatives or delay the decision altogether. Recognizing this,. . .
In the heart of our communities, the journey towards a bright, confident smile often begins with the support and expertise found at dedicated clinics like Future Smiles Denture Clinic and Health Today. Understanding the importance of a healthy,. . .
At Future Smiles Denture Clinic, and our partners at Health Today Clinic, we are always at the forefront of dental technology. The latest revolution in our field is the advent of 3D-printed dentures, a development that is transforming the landscape. . .
At Future Smiles Denture Clinic, we often encounter patients enduring severe toothaches, a clear sign of underlying dental issues like decay reaching the nerves. When teeth are beyond repair, the discomfort can become unbearable, impacting daily. . .
In the realm of dental prosthetics, the market for removable partial dentures (RPDs) is undergoing significant growth and evolution. As a leading provider at Future Smiles Denture Clinic, we have observed firsthand how advancements in technology and. . .
As we journey through 2024, the care and maintenance of dentures remain a pivotal aspect of oral health. At Future Smiles Denture Clinic, we believe in empowering our clients with the knowledge and practices necessary to ensure their dentures last. . .
Tax Deductible Dentures: What You Need To Know The medical expense tax credit can reduce the amount of income tax you owe to the Canada Revenue Agency. To get this tax credit, you can claim your medical expenses that have been paid within a. . .
It’s far more noticeable to have an empty space amid your teeth than to have an artificial tooth, and it’s much better for your dental and jaw health to have that space filled. Dentures aren’t always a full set of teeth; you can get partial. . .
A good denturist cares about your concerns and will offer solutions that can make dentures more affordable without sacrificing quality and service. Quality Good quality dentures will be made of higher caliber materials. Premium materials help. . .
Step 1: Making Impressions. This important step is one that many people experience even if they don’t wear dentures as the same type of impressions can be used for sleep guards and retainers. During this step your Denturist will get an exact. . .
Denture Defects That Mean Time for Repair While the dentures of today are incredibly sturdy and can withstand years of wear and tear, it is inevitable that at some time you may find yourself in need of denture repair. The materials that they are. . .
Full dentures? Partial dentures? How do you know which one is best for you? Having a bright smile and straight teeth helps you feel comfortable and confident. But repairing your teeth is not just about cosmetics; the ability to eat well, speak. . .
Full dentures or partial dentures: How do you know which is the best option for you, or your loved ones? Many years ago, as you aged and lost teeth, it meant you would just have to live without them. Now, thanks to the many advances in denture. . .
Tooth loss can be very difficult affecting your smile, ability to eat and speak, your face shape, and your self-esteem. And the treatments can seem overwhelming, the costs exorbitant. Dentures can be an easy, non-invasive, and affordable way to. . .
Flexible dentures are comfortable, easy-to-clean, and natural-looking dentures. Unlike conventional dentures which rely on metal clasps or dental implants to provide stability, flexible dentures are thin and lightweight and rest comfortably in your. . .
Dentures are a practical solution that many people choose to improve both qualities of life and the appearance of missing teeth. Different dentures are available depending on a patient's situation and lifestyle. During the initial consultation,. . .
If you have removable dentures, chances are you have experienced some inconveniences associated with them. These difficulties are commonly due to your dentures not being secure enough to handle day-to-day activities like eating and speaking. What if. . .
While modern dentures are made of acrylic, porcelain, nylon, resin, and metal, dentures are not a new phenomenon, and the materials, tools and techniques have drastically evolved to become safe, ethical, painless and fast, although dentures got. . .
Complete dentures can have a dramatic impact on your quality of life if you're suffering from substantial tooth loss. Here are three ways tooth loss is bringing you down that you might not have expected. Wading into the world of dentures. . .
Are you wanting to keep your dentures looking and working their best? Our Calgary denture clinic with locations in the SW and NE quadrants of the city has the basic guide you need to read then. Properly taking care of your dentures is vitally. . .
Do you suspect your dentures may require repairs? Here are five surefire signs that they do, courtesy of our Calgary denture repair expert. Timely denture repairs are critical to keeping your quality of life high if you wear complete or even. . .
Not sure which type of denture solution is right for you? With many denture types to choose from, it can be tough knowing which one will work best for you and your unique circumstances. Our article this week from our Calgary denture clinic aims to. . .
Think your dentures might need repairing? Not quite sure though? Here are six surefire signs it's time to go see your Calgary denture clinic right away and get the denture repairs you desperately need. It can be tough knowing whether or. . .
Wondering what foods are best to eat after getting dentures for the first time? Here's a comprehensive list to get you through this somewhat difficult transitionary period. One of the biggest adjustments new denture wearers face is the. . .
Wondering how you can best prevent your dentures from breaking? Here are five of the top tips for doing so from our Calgary denture clinic so you can protect your dentures and smile for years to come. Breaking your dentures can be an. . .
Wondering what foods you should initially be avoiding while first wearing your dentures? Chances are you've already come across a couple that don't work well with your complete or partial dentures, but in case you haven't, here are the. . .
Are you wondering what type of material your denture is made from? Here is a comprehensive guide on denture materials to help you make the most informed decision about tooth replacement. Dentures are an excellent solution for patients. . .
Are you missing one or more teeth? Here’s how to weigh out the pros and cons of full traditional dentures versus denture implants when deciding which tooth replacement option is right for you. Many Canadians experience tooth loss, whether. . .
Are you missing one or more of your natural teeth? Here are the pros and cons of choosing to replace them with traditional full dentures. Tooth loss can happen for a number of reasons, including age, injury, or periodontal disease. Whatever. . .
Do you have mobility issues that prevent you from accessing quality denture care? Here are the types of patients who can benefit from the denture house calls offered at our Calgary clinic. At Future Smiles, we understand that some patients may. . .
Are you a long-time denture wearer? Has it been a while since you last saw your denturist? Here are 7 warning signs that it may be time to replace your full dentures. Many people understand the need for yearly visits to the dentist but did you. . .
Are your dentures feeling less comfortable than they used to? We offer affordable denture reline services to make your replacement teeth fit like new again. High-quality dentures are made from a very durable material and when taken care of,. . .
It may be difficult to accept that you need dentures, but they’re an important tool for restoring your beautiful smile. Here are 7 signs that you should talk to your denturist about tooth replacement. Contrary to popular opinion, age is not. . .
One of the most important steps in receiving quality tooth replacement is choosing the right denture clinic. Here are some tips on how to choose the right denturist for the best possible denture experience. Tooth replacement options such as. . .
Teeth in a Day is an innovative and effective alternative to implant-supported dentures, especially for those missing more than one tooth. Find out if this tooth replacement option is right for you. Traditional dental implants are an ideal. . .
For anyone who has lost their teeth, full/partial dentures can restore your smile and make everyday tasks such as eating and speaking easier. However, it’s important to remember that getting used to your new replacement teeth will require a period. . .
Here are some of the most common problems associated with full/partial dentures, what causes them, and how our qualified Calgary denturist can help keep your mouth and gums healthy, comfortable, and sore-free! Traditional full/partial. . .
The improvements in cosmetic dentistry have been beneficial for all Calgarians, but perhaps none more so than denture wearers. Here are just a few reasons why you might want to say YES to dentures. Whether you opt for full or partial,. . .
Looking to purchase quality dentures that won’t break the bank? Our Calgary denturist can explain all your financial options to come up with a cost-effective tooth replacement plan to help restore the beauty and health to your smile. Tooth. . .
Being told you need full/partial dentures when you’re very young can prove to be quite stressful. Here are some practical tips to help make the transition easier. Contrary to popular opinion, dentures are not only for older people. Tooth. . .
Are you experiencing some discomfort and dry mouth with your full/partial dentures? Here are some ways to make your replacement teeth more comfortable. If you’re missing one or more teeth, there are many tooth replacement options. . .
Are you a family caregiver responsible for looking after your loved one’s oral health? Here are some simple and easy denture care tips you need to know! If you are responsible for assisting an elderly person with their daily living and. . .
With the holidays just around the corner, there are going to be tempting foods hitting the dinner table, posing a real challenge for denture wearers. To help you make the right nutrition choices, here is a list of holiday foods denturists suggest. . .
Implant supported dentures are an innovative tooth replacement alternative to traditional dentures. However, they do have certain limitations which may not make them the right choice for every patient. For many patients, dental implants are an. . .
Are you a new denture wearer? Here are 5 surprising facts about partial dentures and dental implants that you may not know about. Many Calgarians experience tooth loss from age, injury or disease. If you are one of them, don’t fret. Today’s. . .
One of the most important functions of your complete/partial dentures is to help you chew. Here are some signs that they are not working as effectively as they should be. If you are missing one or more teeth, whether it’s due to age, injury. . .
While dentures are a convenient and comfortable tooth replacement option, first-time wearers may experience some discomfort. Here are 3 unwanted side-effects of dentures and how to combat them. While partial/full dentures are an affordable. . .
Are you a first-time denture wearer? At our Calgary denture clinic, we offer a wide range of replacement teeth to suit all needs and budgets. Dentures are a great tooth replacement option for patients who have some or all of their teeth. . .
Are you looking for an affordable denture solution? Here are 3 ways to lower your denture costs and restore your natural smile. Are you missing a tooth or several teeth but are worried about finding an affordable denture solution? With. . .
Considering dentures as a tooth replacement option? Here is everything you need to know about denture costs in Calgary. Dentures are an effective and popular treatment for tooth loss, whether you are missing some or all of the teeth in your. . .
Can Dentures Affect My Sense of Taste? Losing your sense of taste or having food taste bland is a common problem many patients experience in the early weeks or months of wearing full/partial dentures. While this can be frustrating, there is no. . .
Are you looking for a comprehensive denture solution in Calgary? Although cheaper than denture implants, traditional dentures have some hidden costs you should know about. Overview Losing teeth, whether it is due to age, injury or periodontal. . .
Do you sometimes forget to remove your dentures at night? Here’s how sleeping in your dentures can put your oral & overall health at risk. Overview Whether you are experiencing tooth loss due to age, injury or gum disease, full/partial. . .
Wondering how to clean your replacement teeth? Here’s why a denture brush may be the perfect denture solution. Overview Whether you are a first-time denture wearer or have had replacement teeth for many years, keeping your full/partial. . .
Just like with your natural teeth, partial dentures require proper care and maintenance. If not properly cleaned, partial dentures can become a source of bad breath. The space between your dentures and your gums are prone to bacteria which is. . .
When it comes to tooth restoration or replacement such as dentures, many patients understand the importance of visiting a dental professional to help diagnose the problem and recommend the appropriate solution. However, there are key. . .
For patients who are missing some or all of their natural teeth, traditional dentures may be your perfect solution. Full and partial dentures tend to be cheaper than denture implants and today’s advanced dentures are more comfortable and natural. . .
For patients who have lost their teeth due to disease or injury, dentures can help restore their smile and give them renewed confidence in their appearance. However, it is natural for first-time denture wearers to experience some anxiety and worry. . . .
At Future Smiles, a Calgary-based denture clinic, we believe that all our patients are entitled to the quality denture care they need to stay happy, healthy and comfortable. We work closely with your insurance company to ensure that you receive. . .
Dentures are a fact of life for many Canadian seniors. In fact, the federal government estimates that 1 in 5 Canadians over age 60 no longer has any natural teeth. For many of these individuals, dentures can improve their quality of life. . .
We’ve seen the benefits of dentures many times over at our Calgary denture clinic. The right type of denture can have a profound impact on your day-to-day life, allowing you to eat comfortably, talk clearly, and smile with confidence. The best. . .
As many of our Calgary denture clients can attest, receiving the right denture solution can be life transforming. Patients who were previously self-conscious of their missing teeth and unable to eat comfortably can now use their dentures with. . .
As tax season approaches many of us are wondering what expenses do and do not qualify as tax deductible. Though the majority of medical expenses incurred by Canadian’s are paid for by the various provincial health care systems not all medical. . .
Cleaning and storing your dentures properly is important for a variety of reasons. Cleaning your dentures is important for inhibiting bacteria growth in your mouth. The bacteria in your mouth feeds on the food that gets stuck between your teeth,. . .
Keeping your dentures clean is important for your dental and overall health. Though your dentures may be visibly clean after a quick 5 minute soak and a once over with your denture brush, dentures require prolonged soaking in order to be disinfected. . .
Proper nutrition is important at any stage of life. However, eating with dentures can pose a bit of a challenge, especially if you are not use to them yet. To help you ensure you are getting the nutrients you need to stay healthy here are a list of. . .
The most common New Year's resolutions have to do with improving our health and eating better. However, tooth loss can make eating crunchy foods like vegetables daunting, and can also lead to things like indigestion, reduced self esteem and bone. . .
Many people believe that dentures last forever. Dentures typically last between 5 and 10 years. Not only do dentures wear out but your face and jaw change overtime while your dentures do not. You should make an appointment to have your dentures. . .
Individuals who have experienced tooth loss have several options available to them. The two main categories of dentures are Implant Supported Dentures and Non Implant Supported Dentures. To help determine which type is best for you, you should. . .
In these tough economic times a lot of people are feeling the pinch. Though you may be tempted to buy the cheapest dentures available, or do your own denture repairs in order to save money there are very important factors that need to be taken into. . .
When most people think of dentures they think of clunky false teeth that slip and slide around. Luckily, denture technology is far more advanced than that. If you are missing one or more of your teeth you should consider getting dentures, partial. . .
Myths and misconceptions about dentures can stand in the way of people who have experienced tooth loss from achieving good health, an attractive appearance and self confidence. Proper denture fit, maintenance and care is essential to helping the. . .
For individuals who are missing teeth there are two main options for tooth replacement: dentures or dental implants. Dental implants offer a variety of benefits over dentures They are closer to natural teeth Dental implants are stable and. . .
Vadim Dumbrava, Calgary’s denturist of choice, believes that everyone deserves to have strong teeth. Having a full, radiant smile improves your self esteem and can drastically improve your overall health and quality of life. By having a full set. . .
This month we will be doing a series of posts about dental implants. What are they? Are you a candidate? And how to properly care for your dental implants. Missing teeth can be embarrassing, and not only affect your quality of life but also your. . .
Precision Dentures are considered the bee’s knees in the realm of dentures. Unlike Precision’s fellow tiers, Standard and Premium Dentures, they are manufactured with more accuracy and precision providing patients with a lot more flexibility. . .
There is a great deal of variance between the types of dentures available in today’s market. Last week we discussed Standard Dentures, this week we will examine a higher tier: Premium Dentures and their features. Read on to learn more about. . .
Today, we’re explaining and diffusing 3 common myths surrounding dentures. Dentures are only manufactured for older people. Actually age has very little to do with it. People get dentures due to loss of all or some of their natural teeth. . . .
We all know that accidents can happen and frequently do no matter how cautious we try to be. Other times, certain items just need maintenance to improve performance and durability. Caring for your dentures is no different. Whether you inadvertently. . .
No two mouths are made the alike and the same goes for dentures. Dentures in Calgary can be broken into two categories: full dentures and partial dentures. One of Calgary’s best denture clinics, Future Smiles, explains the difference between. . .
The experts at one of Calgary’s best denture clinics, Future Smiles, want to shed some light on dentures. Whether you currently use dentures or not, it’s good to be educated on these amazing implants and how they enhance lives. Continue reading. . .
Dentures were without a doubt created for medicinal and practical reasons by dental experts, but did you know that there is a quite a bit of artistry behind this dental marvel? Vlad Dumbrava at Calgary’s best denture clinic, Future Smiles,. . .
It’s embedded in our culture to obsess over celebrities; they’re everywhere we look. It’s almost impossible to not hear about what Kim Kardashian is up to. Celebrities and their stories infiltrate every form of media. They’re basically. . .
Why is the sky blue? Are we alone in the universe? What are dentures made of? Denturist Vlad Dumbrava from the Future Smiles Clinic in Calgary is still working on the first two questions, but when it comes to dentures, he can address all your. . .
We Canadians are tough, resilient and we believe we are master engineers when it comes to “do it yourself” projects or repairing broken appliances. Our tools of choice are often super glue and duct tape. Handle on your Flames mug break? Grab. . .
We eat to live! You don’t think too much about it, but chewing plays a major role in maintaining a healthy diet. Our bodies need a high level of nutrition on a daily basis, and it’s our teeth that get the job started. But what happens when. . .
For some people in Calgary, denture repair might mean taking a tube of superglue to their dentures to fix cracks or breaks. At Future Smiles, we’d like to remind you that superglue is not the answer to repairing your broken dentures! Dentures that. . .
Staying active, spending time with friends and learning new things all help us feel young, but did you know that dentures can also make you feel young again? Tooth decay often contributes to people looking older, when teeth become yellowed and. . .
There’s a story about a man from Chennai in India from January of this year, who wore his dentures to bed and choked in his sleep. The denture got stuck in his esophagus and had to be surgically removed. Luckily, the man survived, but it could. . .
Our mouths are not only always moving, they’re also always changing. For denture wearers, that means that after some time, you might discover that your dentures don’t fit perfectly like they used to, or they might even break or crack. In any. . .
Overview: Imagine a machine with multiple moving parts that operates 24/7. One of the critical parts of this elaborate machine needs to be replaced every 4-5 years. Even before the part needs to be replaced, an engineer examines the machine annually. . .
Overview: Everybody needs a break at some point during the day - kids need to take a nap daily, and taking your shoes off after a long day at work gives your feet much needed relief. And if you wear dentures, both your mouth and dentures need time. . .