If you have dentures, then you know how important they are to you and keeping your quality of life high. Here are the top ways you can care for them so you can keep them looking and functioning their best.
Taking care of your dentures the way they're supposed to be cared for will help increase their longevity while keeping them looking and working their best. By following the proper care instructions for your complete or partial dentures as outlined by your denturist, you'll be able to:
- Reduce how much money you spend on maintenance or repairs
- Ensure your dentures function and work as they should
- Continue having a nice, bright white smile
- Lower your likelihood of gum pain or soreness
- Experience better overall oral health
By following just a few simple steps, you can help protect your important investment so you can eat, talk, and smile confidently for years to come. Here's the denture care advice to help make that happen, courtesy of our Calgary denture clinic with locations in the NE and SW quadrants of the city.
Two Locations to Serve You Better!
Have a denture emergency? Future Smiles Denture Clinic is committed to helping Calgarians with all of their denture care needs. From direct billing and house calls to FREE consultations and denture care advice for all patients — new or existing, our experienced denture care team at our NE and SW Calgary denture clinics are here to help. Contact us today for an appointment, and we'll get you smiling again in no time!
Three Denture Care Tips Every Denture Wearer Should Know
As time goes on, we can take the important tools and devices in our life for granted. Their reliability is something we just come to expect. Not until they start to wear down or break on us do we realize just how reliant we are on them. The prosthesis that complete or partial denture wearers use encapsulates this perfectly. But with these three simple tips, you can make sure you get the most mileage out of your dentures while keeping them looking their best and working as they were designed to.
1. Make sure you clean them every day
The most crucial piece of denture care advice is to make sure you clean them every day. This includes rinsing them off after every meal. When it comes to the thorough cleaning they require, use a soft-bristled toothbrush that has been specifically designed for dentures. But don't try to use conventional toothpaste while brushing as it can end up damaging them. Instead, just use water to clean the surface of your denture and be careful that you don't bend any clasps or attachments when doing so.
2. Handle your dentures with caution and treat them with care
Anytime you remove your dentures, you should use extreme caution. Accidental drops are one of the main reasons dentures break, and not giving yours the full attention they deserve when removing or inserting them could lead to a costly repair bill — or worse yet, having to entirely replace them. One way you can protect your dentures from suffering this fate is by filling your bathroom sink with water and laying towels down around the edge of it. That way, if you were to, unfortunately, drop your dentures when taking them out, the blow will be cushioned and damage may be averted.
Another way you can help prolong the life of your dentures is by soaking them in an approved solution anytime you are not wearing them. Doing this will help keep them moist and avoid having them dry out, which makes them more prone to cracking or breaking if they suffer a sudden shock or impact.
3. Make sure you always remove your dentures before going to bed
Whether you have complete or partial dentures, this tip is another important one that you should always follow if you want to care for your dentures properly. By taking your dentures out before you go to bed, you'll also give your gums and tissue a chance to recuperate and relax. Like with the above tip, make sure you soak your dentures in an approved solution or water that isn't too hot, as hot water could lead to your dentures warping. And don't forget step one before retiring your dentures and yourself for the night!
Always See Your Denturist Regularly or at the First Sign of Trouble
The last piece of advice we have to give when it comes to getting the most mileage out of your dentures might just edge out the first for most important. Seeing your denturist regularly for scheduled checkups and booking an appointment with them at the first sign of trouble will help greatly in keeping your dentures well-cared for. Routine maintenance in the form of a denture reline or denture rebase can help prolong the life of your dentures by keeping them fitting properly and comfortably.
Your denturist can also spot any early signs of trouble and address them right away so a small problem doesn't become a bigger one. If you have any questions about how we can help keep your dentures well-cared for so they last you as long as possible, be sure to contact us today.
Get Your Free Consultation
If you need affordable dentures in Calgary or would like more information about our denture care and repair services, Future Smiles Denture Clinic has you covered. Just get in touch with our helpful denture team by calling 403-475-0016 or by booking a FREE consultation or by visiting our Coral Springs NE or Macleod SW Calgary clinics. We'd love to help get you smiling again!